rve13: IMGP0726
rve13: IMGP0725
rve13: IMGP0717
rve13: IMGP0710
rve13: IMGP0705
rve13: IMGP0702
rve13: IMGP0701
rve13: Curbside Puddle
rve13: IMGP0730
rve13: 20140107_171440
rve13: Evening Puddle
rve13: Illusion
rve13: IMGP0087
rve13: Puddles in a Seattle Alley
rve13: IMGP4522
rve13: IMGP5255
rve13: IMGP5254 A good day for puddles in Seattle.
rve13: Pioneer Square puddle
rve13: IMGP6201
rve13: IMG_0521
rve13: Our trails under water after heavy rains.
rve13: Seattle brick road puddle
rve13: Self portrait in a puddle.
rve13: Frog oasis
rve13: Frog oasis
rve13: Neon Puddle
rve13: Seattle Puddle
rve13: John and Linda on the way to the first ball game 2015
rve13: Inverted puddle
rve13: Puddle