mschref: First Attempt
mschref: Iznik Bowl - early stages
mschref: rumi_stencil
mschref: Iznik bowl - pouncing center design.
mschref: Iznik bowl - underside
mschref: Iznik bowl - adding the writing
mschref: Iznik bowl - stenciling the writing
mschref: Iznik bowl - painting the writing
mschref: Iznik bowl - pounced letters
mschref: Iznik bowl - outline closeup
mschref: Iznik bowl - adding decoration around letters
mschref: Iznik bowl - outer rim
mschref: Iznik bowl - outer border in progress
mschref: Iznik bowl - central design
mschref: Isnik bowl - waiting for layer of clear glaze.
mschref: Iznik bowl - detail of edge post-fired
mschref: Iznik bowl - back after firing.
mschref: Iznik bowl - fired and finished!
mschref: Iznik bowl - lovely center design
mschref: Iznik bowl - my display at Kingdom Arts and Sciences 2009