TonyN: Do you think its full?
TonyN: Beer storage at the Brewery
TonyN: Lots of Beer!
TonyN: Mmmm... more beer!
TonyN: At the Brewery
TonyN: Mmmm... Beer!
TonyN: The Lakefront Brewery
TonyN: At the Brewery
TonyN: A little room for cocktails at the Safe House
TonyN: Relaxing at the Safe House
TonyN: Karen loves a Communist with a beard!
TonyN: All kinds of cool stuff to look at in the Safe House
TonyN: Moving Wall at the Safe House
TonyN: At the Safe House
TonyN: One of the many Bars in the Safe House
TonyN: Sign at the "Safe House"
TonyN: Door at the Safe House
TonyN: At the Safe House
TonyN: Downtown Milwaukee
TonyN: River front in Milwaukee
TonyN: Downtown Milwaukee
TonyN: The Johnny Cash / Buddy Holly band.
TonyN: The Johnny Cash / Buddy Holly band.
TonyN: The Discovery Center
TonyN: At the Discovery Center
TonyN: Milwaukee Lake front
TonyN: Lake Michigan at the Discovery Center
TonyN: Great Lakes fish exhibit
TonyN: The fish tunnel
TonyN: Underwater tube through the Great Lakes exhibit