jimsc: Desert mornings are a magical time. {Explored}
luke.me.up: Short-eared Owl
sahouraxo: Sarah Abdallah (@sahouraxo)
Thomas Locke Hobbs: Gay Pride 2006 - 86.jpg
Al_HikesAZ: Alabaster and Amber Spire Towers - Dale Chihuly Contemporary handblown Glass Installation - Taliesin West
Bettina Arrigoni: Greater Short-horned Lizard | Rucker Rd | Chiricahuas | AZ|2017-09-30|12-32-25.jpg
Al_HikesAZ: View to the north - Monument Valley - Navajo Nation
jimsc: When poppies rule
jurvetson: The Stained Glass Lunar Rock — Touat 005
jurvetson: Understanding the Moon by its Missionaries — NWA 11273
Tracey & Doug: Gas Chamber to fumigate Jewish belongings, Dachau
adriansalamandre: A detail from "Mystery Babylon" (upper right)
adriansalamandre: Planetary brain
adriansalamandre: Mystery Babylon the great (lower left detail): a collage by Adrian Kenyon
ahisgett: Dragon 2
FrogLuv: Cash Is Dead
khaosproductions: Collapse of the North Tower
lovepeaceterror: Dadara Dollar
ChrisYunker: Mount of Olives
ChrisYunker: Jerusalem
ChrisYunker: Mount of Olives
sloalan: VIEW FROM THE HOUSE - 0036, from back of house looking southwest
sloalan: CARRIZO MAP - COMPLETE- Big File 9-30-09 copy
gerrald111: rincon mountains pt.1
bittabuffalo: P1010793 copy