G I Lyons: Ali Heard gets the ball away under pressure from Owen Dudman-4558
G I Lyons: Liam Regardsoe takes on Elliot Morgan-4590
G I Lyons: Stephen Johnson goes through the Otley defence-4636
G I Lyons: Alistair Thompson takes on Ben Steele-4661-4661
G I Lyons: Great work by Otley's OWen Dudman sees Michael Adlard drop the ball-4690
G I Lyons: Tomasi Tanumi spreads the ball-4721
G I Lyons: Ali Heard-4731
G I Lyons: Stephen Johnson gets through the gap-4746
G I Lyons: Otley win the line out in strong winds-4795
G I Lyons: Henry Roberts tries to get through the Hull line-4821
G I Lyons: Otley's Marco Daralla on the charge-4838
G I Lyons: Joe Graham with the subtle pass for Owen Dudman-4869
G I Lyons: Brett Mitchell takes this lineout-4874
G I Lyons: Adam Malthouse takes on Laurence Cowen-4890
G I Lyons: Adam takes on Laurence Cowen-4890
G I Lyons: Moment of Controversy Joe Graham's try is not given. Ref gave held up-4899
G I Lyons: Cam Sanderson sizes up Simon Humberstone-4920
G I Lyons: Joe Graham gets his try this time for Otley this time-4956
G I Lyons: Latu Makaafi gets up some steam-4990
G I Lyons: Cam Curry rises highest to win the lineout-5086
G I Lyons: Stephen Johnson takes Hull clear with a vital try-5103
G I Lyons: Try Celebrations -5113
G I Lyons: Owen Dudman and Simon Humberstone collide-5134
G I Lyons: Ben Smith's kick at full time wins Otley a losing bonus point -5156