G I Lyons: Balls-5613
G I Lyons: Oldham Kick Off-5632
G I Lyons: Kameron Pearce-Paul and Ilias Bergal Clash-5661
G I Lyons: Danny Grimshaw gets past Andy Bracek-5688
G I Lyons: Joe Burke with a strong run-5728
G I Lyons: Mascot Has Fun-5741
G I Lyons: Adam Neal is upended-5742
G I Lyons: Now You See It! A slight of hand fools the Oldham defence and allows Caine Barnes to score-5799
G I Lyons: Celebrations-5806
G I Lyons: Mike Butt drives the ball in-5926
G I Lyons: Michael Ward goes close-5983
G I Lyons: Sam Gee breaks a Anthony Nicholson tackle-5998
G I Lyons: Ouch-6133
G I Lyons: Ilias Bergal scores the try that keeps Swinton up-6029
G I Lyons: Chris Hankinson (r) and Ilias Bergal celebrate the latter's try-6045
G I Lyons: Swinton Mascot-6011
G I Lyons: Summer Rugby!-6146
G I Lyons: Spot the Kicker-6154
G I Lyons: George Tyson tries to get Oldham back into the game-6247
G I Lyons: The Oldham Mascot tries to rally the supporters-6310
G I Lyons: Ben Austin scores to put the game safe for the Lions and condemn Oldham to drop-6421-6421
G I Lyons: Chris Hankinson goes through a gap-6381
G I Lyons: George Tyson takes on Caine Barnes and Liam Paisley-6339
G I Lyons: Oliver Davies scores to put the icing on the cake-6505
G I Lyons: Swinton Celebrate Oliver Davies' Try-6523
G I Lyons: The pain of relegation - Oldham's Dave Hewitt-6598
G I Lyons: Chris Hankinson smiles at full time-6612
G I Lyons: Oliver Davies - Black eye, cut lip and smiles at full time-6643
G I Lyons: Stuart Littler speaks to his troops-6632
G I Lyons: Andy Bracek-6695