Subsequent Wickedness:
Algonquin Round Table : Date Unknown --“I have done many things in my life I have later regretted, but this one, in particular, I have never told a living soul until now….”
Subsequent Wickedness:
It wasn't thier jewels, as much as the sport it offered
Subsequent Wickedness:
Now, a thoroughly excited Beth walked into the room. Her senses becoming more prickling alert with each step. Innocently unaware that she was no longer playing a role in Dare’s game!
Subsequent Wickedness:
The revenge upon her would be sweet, even though it was purely theoretical.
Subsequent Wickedness:
I also can recall the last time I saw her , it was here, at the playground I now stood.
Subsequent Wickedness:
Twilights Ghost
Subsequent Wickedness:
What fresh mischief is this he questioned; wolfishly eyeing the glimmering ring on her finger
Subsequent Wickedness:
Olivia's jewelry was not a main part of the plan, Tallie had loftier goals in mind
Subsequent Wickedness:
HMSS Agent Hazel - Sometimes it just takes a bit of thievery!
Subsequent Wickedness:
They probably though Christs Mass had come early, he said sardonically.
Subsequent Wickedness:
From Seths Journal Society Shrew
Subsequent Wickedness:
Based on events depicted from “Beth’s” Journals
Subsequent Wickedness:
Let the little lamb be trimmed of her rich wool I said to myself
Subsequent Wickedness:
Her opulent gemstone jewels, surrounded by sparkling diamonds, shone like cat eyes when caught by the lights.
Subsequent Wickedness:
The mink was a bonus he admitted. But I relieved the lady of ....
Subsequent Wickedness:
Beyond the Pale
Subsequent Wickedness:
His fifth target had been taken a month ago on Halloween night.
Subsequent Wickedness:
Pursuing the Posh # 1
Subsequent Wickedness:
The bastard should have left well enough alone
Subsequent Wickedness:
The idiot had fallen for the ruse
Subsequent Wickedness:
Angie grinned, stowing away the emerald bracelet,
Subsequent Wickedness:
Then at the appointed hour, Tallie would slip away back stage door
Subsequent Wickedness:
The first score had been made, now for the Coup de Grace!
Subsequent Wickedness:
Gentleman thief stealing ring close up view
Subsequent Wickedness:
Chronicles of lifting Light Addendum
Subsequent Wickedness:
A Bondie Take 3
Subsequent Wickedness:
Lifting Light B This story is true-
Subsequent Wickedness:
The lighting, seemed to coax any piece of jewelry to sparkle
Subsequent Wickedness:
..the last jewel to be taken was her