Subsequent Wickedness: Tallie looked into the mirror as the bound Olivia stirred.
Subsequent Wickedness: Now, if only she could find where that darling young miss, the one so richly clad in purple silk, had gotten her pretty little self-off too?
Subsequent Wickedness: One down, one more to go! An exquisite necklace of fiery diamonds waiting to be nimbly slipped away from the throat of its unsuspecting wearer. Now just to make sure the husband of the silken gowned brunette displaying the jewels in question was ..
Subsequent Wickedness: Sara lovingly caressed the money while waiting for the fool to regain consciousness
Subsequent Wickedness: The glittery gems which the princess’s had been carefully adorned, Had vanished together, leaving the pretty Lady bewildered and forlorn.From the very bosom of her being , came a wistfully heartfelt moan,A look crossed over her pretty face,
Subsequent Wickedness: Algonquin Round Table : Date Unknown --“I have done many things in my life I have later regretted, but this one, in particular, I have never told a living soul until now….”
Subsequent Wickedness: Sara lovingly caressed the money while waiting for the fool to regain consciousness
Subsequent Wickedness: Come to mama Angie whispered under her breath, positiong herself to flick off the sparkling necklace
Subsequent Wickedness: As she stowed away the bracelet, Willow glanced back at him, The arrogant bastard had taken her diamond pearled earrings, and there was nothing she could do about it!
Subsequent Wickedness: With a start Olivia realized she was being burgled, never fathoming that a more complex operation than merely nicking her jewels was being played out.
Subsequent Wickedness: Now, a thoroughly excited Beth walked into the room. Her senses becoming more prickling alert with each step. Innocently unaware that she was no longer playing a role in Dare’s game!
Subsequent Wickedness: As Mae happily led the harness bull away from the garden she marveled over her good fortune, wondering over how things had worked to her benefit
Subsequent Wickedness: Tallie loved playing the part of the inside victim
Subsequent Wickedness: Twilights Ghost
Subsequent Wickedness: masquerade_by_NaomiFaMi Ball 2008
Subsequent Wickedness: They probably though Christs Mass had come early, he said sardonically.
Subsequent Wickedness: Act 1 The wife cascades down the stairs swirling her silk dress
Subsequent Wickedness: Kneeling down, Angie began to perform the delicate operation.
Subsequent Wickedness: Beyond the Pale
Subsequent Wickedness: Fantasy for a light fingered thief
Subsequent Wickedness: Dark Alley Prism C
Subsequent Wickedness: The idiot had fallen for the ruse
Subsequent Wickedness: Chronicles of lifting light - A True Tale
Subsequent Wickedness: Another Hit!
Subsequent Wickedness: Lifting Light B This story is true-
Subsequent Wickedness: ..the last jewel to be taken was her
Subsequent Wickedness: Gilligan’s Island episode ( The Kidnapper).
Subsequent Wickedness: Chronicles of lifting Light C
Subsequent Wickedness: Dare’s Game was based on role playing
Subsequent Wickedness: Halloween Contest