Subsequent Wickedness:
Check Mate
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Miss VanScoy accepts the charming strangers apology for bumping into her
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After carfully selecting a bejewelled victim, Angie makes her move!
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Kneeling down, Angie began to perform the delicate operation.
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Still smirking over how gullible the bejeweled young girls in silky dresses had proven, Angie suddenly froze in her tracks!
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HMSS Agent Hazel - Sometimes it just takes a bit of thievery!
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Olivia's jewelry was not a main part of the plan, Tallie had loftier goals in mind
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'The plain fact is,' said Lady Faber, 'we are entertaining thieves’!
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I already had my mind set on Sarah Cabot’s jewels that evening
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Societies Shrew
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Tallie loved playing the part of the inside victim
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One down, one more to go! An exquisite necklace of fiery diamonds waiting to be nimbly slipped away from the throat of its unsuspecting wearer. Now just to make sure the husband of the silken gowned brunette displaying the jewels in question was ..
Subsequent Wickedness:
Tallie looked into the mirror as the bound Olivia stirred.
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The glittery gems which the princess’s had been carefully adorned, Had vanished together, leaving the pretty Lady bewildered and forlorn.From the very bosom of her being , came a wistfully heartfelt moan,A look crossed over her pretty face,
Subsequent Wickedness:
Algonquin Round Table : Date Unknown --“I have done many things in my life I have later regretted, but this one, in particular, I have never told a living soul until now….”
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Sara lovingly caressed the money while waiting for the fool to regain consciousness
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With a start Olivia realized she was being burgled, never fathoming that a more complex operation than merely nicking her jewels was being played out.
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“Folle est la brebis qui au loup se confesse!”
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Now, a thoroughly excited Beth walked into the room. Her senses becoming more prickling alert with each step. Innocently unaware that she was no longer playing a role in Dare’s game!
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As Mae happily led the harness bull away from the garden she marveled over her good fortune, wondering over how things had worked to her benefit
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She inwardly was squirming with anticipation, up until the delightful moment when the begowned debutante limply removed and handed
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masquerade_by_NaomiFaMi Ball 2008
Subsequent Wickedness:
“I have done many things in my life I have later regretted, but this one, in particular, I have never told a living soul until now….”
Subsequent Wickedness:
Always open for opportunity, Angie knelt and deftly began peeling away the sleeping girls jewels.
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All of their games usually led to into the upper echelons of erotic pleasure. Sometimes they never made out of the woods, or barely out of the ballroom.
Subsequent Wickedness:
As Seth walked away admiring the shimmery necklace, his thoughts travelled back to the gold burdened impish youngster in the swirling gown
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Dares Game : A gentle tread within Harpaxophilla
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Wer're needed..Mrs. Peel
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Subsequent Wickedness:
Avengers...Part Duex