Subsequent Wickedness:
Known to warn people that they kept their jewels too carelessly
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My Lady A....You may wish to reconsider wearing the Chatham emeralds to the Ball thie evening.
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Lord Peter Views the Body
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Look to the Lady
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Spectres in the Smoke ‘Honi soit qui mal y pense’
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Force of habit made him look at her fingers and ear lobes. Watched until her fur wrap moved to expose her throat...
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Bracelets snipped from wrists, a knife to a jeweled feminine finger to encourage prompt removal of rings
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Thief who came to Dinner
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Plunkett & Macleane
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To Love a Scroundrel by: Kristina Cook
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Sobbing as she pleaded, Lady Chatwick finally broke down and gave him the location of her jewel armoire and her collection of snowflake diamonds
Subsequent Wickedness:
Drive me somewhere in the car. Down to the docks. Somewhere horrible and exciting. Wait a minute….” She reaced up an unclasped the diamonds from around her neck. “You’d better take these again. I don’t want to be murdered for them!”
Subsequent Wickedness:
Does this pulp mag hold the clue to a mysterious jewel robbery that may not have happened the way it was officially recorded by the New York Police during the prohibition era of the 1920’s?
Subsequent Wickedness:
Salome had nothing on this one. Her clothes trailed enticingly across the floor; her satin evening gown and gloves, silk stockings and black underwear all lying in seductive, overlapping curves like the discarded skins of some exotic creature of the nigh
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I swear,Fletch, all during my walk, nobody even touched me. No one bumped into me. How did they get my necklace? The diamond pin off my dress? There wasn’t even a tear in my dress? I felt nothing!”
Subsequent Wickedness:
Quit stalling Miss! Hand them over, their mine now…. What Tha…..
Subsequent Wickedness:
Subsequent Wickedness:
In that instant I knew it was real. She was not the sort to wear imitation anything.