fritzswanson: Phil Driscoll and his Linotype
fritzswanson: Phil finishing some lines
fritzswanson: At the keyboard
fritzswanson: "Do you see how hard this is?"
fritzswanson: "Like a French scene..."
fritzswanson: Megenthaler name plate. Model 32
fritzswanson: A Line o' type!
fritzswanson: "Do you see how hard this is? Like a French scene..."
fritzswanson: Linotype Magazines
fritzswanson: Adjusting the molds
fritzswanson: The Red Mold
fritzswanson: Adjusting the set screws.
fritzswanson: The Linotype keyboard
fritzswanson: Ottmar Megenthaler's Linotype machine
fritzswanson: A matrix case, and manuscript pages
fritzswanson: Words to live by
fritzswanson: Linotype Matrices
fritzswanson: Thorns and Yoghs!
fritzswanson: Ludlow Hands!
fritzswanson: "Donated by American Type..."
fritzswanson: The pot is hot
fritzswanson: Foot rail
fritzswanson: Star Parts!
fritzswanson: Phil at work
fritzswanson: The end of the page
fritzswanson: Notes on a magazine
fritzswanson: at work
fritzswanson: Don't contendis with the tauro, otherwise those cornu can get you.
fritzswanson: Nearly the same as lived.
fritzswanson: DRISCOLL