if8: downtown chongqing
if8: looking down from the hotel
if8: yangzi river
if8: apartment building
if8: hairdo
if8: the dentist
if8: chongqing
if8: downtown shopping center
if8: hotel room
if8: jackson poster
if8: 重庆 洪崖洞
if8: 重庆 洪崖洞
if8: artist and his arts
if8: 重庆 metro
if8: 重庆 metro
if8: 重庆 人民大礼堂
if8: 重庆随处可见“棒棒”
if8: a day's work
if8: people's square
if8: batteries on sale
if8: 重庆 “棒棒”
if8: 长江..嘉陵江