if8: like a child's drawing...
if8: labrang monastery
if8: 拉卜楞寺 - Labrang monastery
if8: round and round they go
if8: 拉卜楞寺 Labrang monastery
if8: before a worship begin
if8: labrang monastery
if8: the true believer
if8: cross the river into the trees
if8: island in the stream
if8: the storm is coming...
if8: chinese armed police - 夏河
if8: storm over Gannan grassland (甘南草原)
if8: 桑科草原
if8: Ali restaurant
if8: Ali restaurant
if8: hiked up the hill...
if8: the green hill of dead
if8: the sky burial site...朗木寺天葬台
if8: 天葬
if8: 2 riders
if8: here the elev. is 3300m (10000ft)
if8: monastery in langmusi
if8: villagers
if8: monasteries & dwellings
if8: 郎木寺
if8: 郎木寺
if8: monasteries