if8: the hands of bodhisattva - with money
if8: under the desert sun
if8: tourists
if8: sand dune in dunhung
if8: camel riding
if8: sand dune at the edge of the town
if8: sand dune in dunhung
if8: sand dune at the edge of the town
if8: rising moon
if8: sunset
if8: landscape
if8: 敦煌
if8: camel riding
if8: UFO
if8: barren land
if8: travelers under the desert sun
if8: the fleet
if8: yinyang
if8: 汉长城
if8: 戈壁
if8: 戈壁
if8: the ruins of Han great wall
if8: the ticket gate
if8: the ruin of 玉门关
if8: 沙漠绿洲
if8: dunhuang city street
if8: leading the 3G life