if8: at the grand bazaar
if8: international bazaar
if8: 大巴扎
if8: nan
if8: 二道桥
if8: at the grand bazaar
if8: museum
if8: bw
if8: ughur girl
if8: camel at the market
if8: street building in 乌鲁木齐
if8: the city of urumqi (乌鲁木齐市)
if8: worship on the street
if8: business assumed after the service
if8: popular hat
if8: honey melon
if8: at the market
if8: the sweet hami melon
if8: these two got into a fight
if8: street vendors stop for the service
if8: fruit vendors stop for the service
if8: international grand bazaar
if8: on the east bound train
if8: 兵团宾馆
if8: big meal
if8: yummy soup
if8: 肉夹馍, chinese burger
if8: 二道桥 market
if8: uyghur