if8: 箭扣长城
if8: the great wall
if8: finally...
if8: at work
if8: it was a hard climb up
if8: beijing fog
if8: me up the wall
if8: show it off
if8: 红鳟鱼
if8: yummy
if8: the result
if8: the next step
if8: get-together with friends
if8: 黑龙潭
if8: Beijing 黑龙潭
if8: 白家滩
if8: 白家滩 农家乐
if8: high school buddies
if8: olympic square
if8: the bird nest, beijing
if8: the landmark
if8: the landmark of beijing
if8: the olympic tower
if8: people at bird nest
if8: the water cube
if8: 3rd ring
if8: 3rd ring
if8: waiting for subway - Beijing