if8: breathtaking
if8: 大同云冈石窟
if8: 云冈石窟
if8: a black buddha
if8: hevenly - 云冈石窟
if8: 云冈石窟
if8: 云冈石窟
if8: 云冈石窟
if8: the support
if8: buddha with tie
if8: buddha
if8: giant buddha
if8: buddha and his ear
if8: 云冈石窟
if8: fading...
if8: 云冈石窟
if8: smily
if8: buddha
if8: the ancient and the young
if8: please take my picture!!
if8: hui from xingjiang
if8: Datong street
if8: the reader
if8: old temple
if8: Datong (Chinese: 大同)
if8: 九龙壁
if8: the hand form