if8: 10 years...
if8: 10 years too
if8: img 117
if8: img 118
if8: DSC_0006-bw
if8: old minolta
if8: img 270
if8: img 160
if8: just get the 50mm
if8: the house is gone, but the doggie is here
if8: favorite hiking boots
if8: DSC_0084
if8: DSC_0082
if8: dell
if8: DSC_0073
if8: red
if8: red & green
if8: DSC_0216
if8: DSC_0318
if8: BBQ time!
if8: DSC_0158
if8: lumix dmz-tz5
if8: ipod on hwy101
if8: sign
if8: bye bye 2008
if8: abandoned
if8: lumix
if8: zion mug
if8: decay 2
if8: iPhone5