if8: yahoo sign at hwy 101 in SF
if8: yahoo 008
if8: yahoo 010
if8: yahoo 013
if8: yahoo 014
if8: clouds over yahoo
if8: in yahoo sunnyvale campus
if8: great america park
if8: great america park
if8: sj giant at san jose stadium
if8: summer fun
if8: img 003
if8: img 009
if8: img 011
if8: at san jose stadium
if8: at san jose stadium
if8: img 031
if8: our lady of peace
if8: img 103
if8: urls
if8: yahoo sunnyvale
if8: yahoo sunnyvale
if8: DSC_0189
if8: bay trail behind yahoo campus
if8: bay trail behind yahoo campus
if8: trail behind yahoo - lots of ducks
if8: yahoo parking structure
if8: yahoo parking structure
if8: gym
if8: yahoo sunnyvale