if8: BC ferry building
if8: BC ferry
if8: BC ferry
if8: ferry port
if8: BC Ferry
if8: strait of georgia, vancouver
if8: BC ferry
if8: strait of georgia
if8: on the BC ferry
if8: BC ferry
if8: Noodle Box
if8: Victoria
if8: Victoria
if8: fairmont empress hotel
if8: fairmont empress
if8: fairmont empress
if8: the parliament building
if8: the parliament building
if8: Victoria
if8: the parliament building, victoria
if8: the parliament building
if8: Victoria
if8: Victoria
if8: BC flag union jack
if8: the parliament building, victoria
if8: fairmont empress
if8: the parliament building
if8: img 516
if8: Butchart Gardens
if8: Butchart Gardens