if8: crescent meadow
if8: crescent meadow
if8: camped at Big Meadow road
if8: camped at Big Meadow road
if8: 014_11
if8: watchtower
if8: 019_16
if8: looking down from the watchtower
if8: hike to pear lake
if8: hike to pear lake
if8: Astor Lake
if8: alta peak
if8: 94360082
if8: getting close to the destination
if8: pear lake, finally
if8: pear lake
if8: pear lake
if8: alta peak
if8: glacier at pear lake
if8: 94360078
if8: Kings Canyon 001
if8: Kings Canyon 015
if8: watchtower
if8: hiking to heather lake
if8: Kings Canyon 076
if8: heather lake
if8: heather lake
if8: Kings Canyon 086
if8: Kings Canyon 088
if8: heather lake