daemonsquire: Sleeping on overnight train from Bangkok to Laos border
daemonsquire: First dinner in Pakse, Laos, at Jasmine Indian Restaurant
daemonsquire: Dragonfruit and tamarinds at Vietnamese restaurant, Paksong
daemonsquire: Racing boats at a village wat outside Paksong
daemonsquire: Sipping tea at JCFC HQ, outside Paksong
daemonsquire: Ariya preparing b'fast in JCFC kitchen
daemonsquire: A monk's hovel by the entrance of a cave at the start of the hike to Tat Kamut (Monkey Falls)
daemonsquire: Girls praying for safety on the hike, or in gratitude for the beauty of our surroundings, I'm not sure which
daemonsquire: We start climbing the falls
daemonsquire: We keep climbing
daemonsquire: ...and climbing...
daemonsquire: ...and climbing
daemonsquire: The crew at the falls (from left): Noi #1, Noi #2, Noi #3, Sin, me, Nyai, and Dik
daemonsquire: Debbie at the top of the falls
daemonsquire: Glamour shot
daemonsquire: Giant Chair Rock
daemonsquire: Cat with dead rat, Ban Nongluan, outside Paksong, where we waited for a ride back to JCFCHQ
daemonsquire: Ban Nongluan girl
daemonsquire: Ban Nongluan kids
daemonsquire: JCFCHQ on the right, wet processing center on the left
daemonsquire: JCFC HQ, our home on the Bolaven Plateau
daemonsquire: Misty morning with Sin's blue briefs
daemonsquire: Monks in Pakse
daemonsquire: Longboats on the banks of the Mekhong, Pakse
daemonsquire: Sunset over floating restaurant, Pakse
daemonsquire: Water buffalo along the road to Champasak
daemonsquire: Debbie gets a shot of a scary bridge
daemonsquire: Schoolgirls of Champasak
daemonsquire: Frangipani on relief at Wat Phu Champasak
daemonsquire: Wat Phu