Leon84uk: Puffins are back
Leon84uk: Autumn surprise
Leon84uk: Rough-legged Buzzard
Leon84uk: Someone’s got to keep a look out
Leon84uk: Looking for a spot of breakfast
Leon84uk: Synchronised Gannets
Leon84uk: Getting settled
Leon84uk: Death from above
Leon84uk: Golden light, golden moment
Leon84uk: Owl you can eat buffet
Leon84uk: A rare close encounter
Leon84uk: Looks can be deceiving
Leon84uk: A rare glimpse
Leon84uk: What am I thinking?
Leon84uk: Pleasant surprise
Leon84uk: On top of the wold
Leon84uk: Ruffling a few feathers
Leon84uk: Home for the season
Leon84uk: Glorious Yorkshire
Leon84uk: A rather fast Red Grouse!
Leon84uk: New Beginnings
Leon84uk: The wonder of the Moors
Leon84uk: I’ve got my eye on you.
Leon84uk: Landing gear
Leon84uk: Putting things into perspective
Leon84uk: It’s a big world out there
Leon84uk: Shadows of summer
Leon84uk: Natural poser
Leon84uk: Wild & Free
Leon84uk: Keeping watch