jormungund: Dashing Fellow
jormungund: Mandarin Duck
jormungund: Flock of Surf Scoters
jormungund: Goose Feathers
jormungund: Some Ugly ducklings just grow into Ugly Ducks
jormungund: Northern Pintail
jormungund: Incoming Mallard
jormungund: Verdant Waters
jormungund: Buffling Along
jormungund: She means business
jormungund: Quite a Mouthful
jormungund: Down it goes
jormungund: Scaup Looking tough
jormungund: Hooded merganser and his wives
jormungund: Swans on Lost Lagoon
jormungund: Scaup
jormungund: Northern Pintail foraging
jormungund: Pintail Duck
jormungund: Mallard feathers
jormungund: Northern Shoveler
jormungund: Barrow's Goldeneyes