Pam UK: Minnesota cam and the Loon pair...
Pam UK: ...are on the platform nest...
Pam UK: ...the female in the foreground sits...
Pam UK: ..on the 2nd unhatched egg whilst
Pam UK: ...the chick now several days old...
Pam UK: ..keeps nipping in and out of her wings.
Pam UK: The male has taken to the water again
Pam UK: ...returns briefly and then is...
Pam UK: again...
Pam UK: ..stretching and swimming before
Pam UK: ..once again hauling out but...
Pam UK: ..not for long and this time both adults
Pam UK: ..leave the chick and the egg...
Pam UK: ..while they swim nearby...
Pam UK: and the chick (hard to see in the gloom)
Pam UK: ...looks on before also taking to the..
Pam UK: ...water to follow Mum and Dad.
Pam UK: 5th June. Female on egg
Pam UK: Male swims by
Pam UK: Female takes to water with
Pam UK: ...chick on her back (near neck)
Pam UK: Female returns to nest
Pam UK: and spends a few minutes
Pam UK: adjusting the position of the egg
Pam UK: tucking it under before
Pam UK: settling down.
Pam UK: 6th June look carefully at untended egg
Pam UK: Is the left end cracked ? I think so...
Pam UK: and here comes female with chick
Pam UK: ..this is nearly time for egg removal