Brody J: Tales From the Dark Side~ Bark Crab Spider (Bassaniana versicolor)
Brody J: Thinking Skink Thoughts~ Southeastern Five-lined Skink (Plestiodon inexpectatus)
JaneTurner68: Green Hairstreak
Brody J: Sitting Pretty~ Pearl Crescent Butterfly (Phyciodes tharos)
JaneTurner68: Lesser Redpoll
David Brooker: Looking for Walter?
Brody J: Living Large~ Black-and-yellow Argiope (Argiope aurantia) Spider
urtica: bug of the day
JaneTurner68: Common Darter
PMBrem: Goshawk. Los Monegros, Spain
conall..: Yellow pear tomatoes
davechesternash: Red Kite
JaneTurner68: Southern Migrant Hawker
JaneTurner68: Wall Brown
Brody J: Orange Life~ Spotless Lady Beetle (Cvcloneda sanquinea)
JaneTurner68: Kestrel
PMBrem: Common darter
PMBrem: Emperor dragonfly
PMBrem: Common darter
Wayne A J.: Red admiral
Brody J: A July Tradition~ Eastern Tiger Swallowtail (Papilio glaucus) On Joe-Pye Weed
Brody J: Time to Shake Off the Morning Dew~ Little Blue Dragonlet Dragonfly (Erythrodiplax minuscula) Male
Brody J: Play Misty For Me~ Palamedes Swallowtail Butterfly (Papilio palamedes) Caterpillar
JaneTurner68: Emperor Dragonfly
Wayne A J.: White-letter Hairstreak
conall..: cinnabar on ragwort
conall..: honey bee on creeping thistle
photoautomotive: On route 26!