Bob at Blashford:
Libellula fulva Highcliffe 17th Jun 08
Bob at Blashford:
Angle shades (Phlogophora meticulosa)
Bob at Blashford:
Clifden Nonpareil (Catocala fraxini)
Bob at Blashford:
Sericomyia silentis
Bob at Blashford:
Meliscaeva auricollis
Bob at Blashford:
Spider with a Fly
Bob at Blashford:
Snail Roulette
Bob at Blashford:
Cochylis nana
Bob at Blashford:
predatory fly with prey
Bob at Blashford:
Corizus hyoscyami
Bob at Blashford:
four-spotted chaser (Libellula quadrimaculata)
Bob at Blashford:
Chloromyia formosa - Broad Centurion (a soldierfly)
Bob at Blashford:
Lesser water-plantain ( Baldellia ranunculoides)
Bob at Blashford:
silver-studded blue (Plebejus argus)
Bob at Blashford:
Something of the buffalo
Bob at Blashford:
stripe-legged robberfly (Dioctria baumhaueri)
Bob at Blashford:
Back Garden Angel
Bob at Blashford:
small skipper (Thymelicus sylvestris) male
Bob at Blashford:
(Tri) angle shades (Phlogophora meticulosa)