Bob at Blashford: Misumena vatia with Odontomyia tigrina
Bob at Blashford: Bombylius major
Bob at Blashford: Andrena cineraria
Bob at Blashford: Empis stercorea pair 2
Bob at Blashford: pale pinion
Bob at Blashford: orange tip
Bob at Blashford: angle shades
Bob at Blashford: Elaphrus cupreus
Bob at Blashford: Melecta albifrons
Bob at Blashford: Spring Usher
Bob at Blashford: Scarce Umber
Bob at Blashford: Wasp queen
Bob at Blashford: Common Marbled Carpet
Bob at Blashford: Mottled Umber
Bob at Blashford: Bombylius discolor
Bob at Blashford: Scarce Chaser (as the man says!)
Bob at Blashford: Libellula fulva Highcliffe 17th Jun 08
Bob at Blashford: solitary bee at nest
Bob at Blashford: broad-bodied chaser
Bob at Blashford: wood ant on blackthorn flowers
Bob at Blashford: wasp beetle 2
Bob at Blashford: Snipe-fly (Rhagio scolopacae)
Bob at Blashford: small blue head-down
Bob at Blashford: Dingy Skippers getting it together
Bob at Blashford: Marsh Fritillary
Bob at Blashford: Volucella bombylans
Bob at Blashford: Meliscaeva auricollis
Bob at Blashford: painted lady
Bob at Blashford: Sericomyia silentis