Elisabeth Bergquist: Air, På Toppen 3
Elisabeth Bergquist: Well organized
Elisabeth Bergquist: The city evolving
Elisabeth Bergquist: Strolling with dad
Elisabeth Bergquist: Removing the present, leaving the past across the street
Elisabeth Bergquist: Tilt Shift almost...
Elisabeth Bergquist: Spansketrappen_edited-1
Elisabeth Bergquist: Bon Jovi in Oslo
Elisabeth Bergquist: Skjeiv i Pisa
Elisabeth Bergquist: Krakow Passage 1
Elisabeth Bergquist: Sharig the news
Elisabeth Bergquist: 20060909 Rogn
Elisabeth Bergquist: 20080709 Oldtids stokk
Elisabeth Bergquist: Hotel Locarno, Rome
Elisabeth Bergquist: Chopper over Akershus Festning
Elisabeth Bergquist: Akershus Festning
Elisabeth Bergquist: Glittery Opera
Elisabeth Bergquist: Follow the Leader
Elisabeth Bergquist: Me camera and I at the Opera House in Oslo
Elisabeth Bergquist: IMG_4463 redigert
Elisabeth Bergquist: Halk Kirke HDR