tiny_owl_knits: DSC_0803 copy
MRS TWINS/SIBOL 'Sunshine International Blankets: Dear Katou thank you for the Crocheted Slippers! Fit perfectly and are so...comfy!
MRS TWINS/SIBOL 'Sunshine International Blankets: Katou thank you for the donation of yarn for 'SIBOL!'.
MRS TWINS/SIBOL 'Sunshine International Blankets: Katou - Your Challenge Squares have arrived! Thank you! A little late as you know but they will be used.
MRS TWINS/SIBOL 'Sunshine International Blankets: Thanks to everyone who sent in Squares for this 2nd 'Fruit and Veg' Blanket.
MRS TWINS/SIBOL 'Sunshine International Blankets: 401! 'Fruit & Veg' Challenge. (1/2)
MRS TWINS/SIBOL 'Sunshine International Blankets: 'jean nock' Your Challenge Squares have arrived! Thank you!
MRS TWINS/SIBOL 'Sunshine International Blankets: I would like to thank everyone for the Squares that I have received for this Blanket.
MRS TWINS/SIBOL 'Sunshine International Blankets: 387 'Marie Curie Cancer Care Challenge/Daffodil Blanket. Assembled by joyce28 thank you so much!
MRS TWINS/SIBOL 'Sunshine International Blankets: Crocheted pram covers made for the double buggy.
MRS TWINS/SIBOL 'Sunshine International Blankets: A lovely patchwork Granny blanket.
MRS TWINS/SIBOL 'Sunshine International Blankets: Thank you so much a stunning Blanket!