jameslidster1: African and Eurasian Spoonbill Gambia J Lidster_20080208_001
jameslidster1: African and Eurasian Spoonbill Gambia J Lidster_20080208_003
jameslidster1: African and Eurasian Spoonbill Gambia J Lidster_20080208_004
jameslidster1: African and Eurasian Spoonbill Gambia J Lidster_20080208_006
jameslidster1: African and Eurasian Spoonbill Gambia J Lidster_20080208_007
jameslidster1: African and Eurasian Spoonbill Gambia J Lidster_20080208_009
jameslidster1: African and Eurasian Spoonbill Gambia J Lidster_20080208_012
jameslidster1: African Finfoot Gambia J Lidster_20080206_002
jameslidster1: African Finfoot Gambia J Lidster_20080206_003
jameslidster1: Beautiful Sunbird Gambia J Lidster_20080208_001
jameslidster1: Beautiful Sunbird Gambia J Lidster_20080208_003
jameslidster1: Black Egret Gambia J Lidster_20080208_001
jameslidster1: Black Egret Gambia J Lidster_20080208_004
jameslidster1: Black Kite yellow billed parasitus Gambia J Lidster_20080205_001
jameslidster1: Black Kite yellow billed parasitus Gambia J Lidster_20080205_002
jameslidster1: Black Kite yellow billed parasitus Gambia J Lidster_20080205_006
jameslidster1: Black-shouldered Kite Gambia J Lidster_20080203_003
jameslidster1: Black-winged Stilt Gambia J Lidster_20080208_001
jameslidster1: Black-winged Stilt Gambia J Lidster_20080208_002
jameslidster1: Black-winged Stilt Gambia J Lidster_20080208_003
jameslidster1: Black-winged Stilt Gambia J Lidster_20080208_006
jameslidster1: Black-winged Stilt Gambia J Lidster_20080208_007
jameslidster1: Blue-breasted Kingfisher Gambia J Lidster_20080206_002
jameslidster1: Caspian, Sandwich and Royal Tern and Grey-headed and Slender-billed Gull Gambia J Lidster_20080203_001
jameslidster1: Common Greenshank Gambia J Lidster_20080206_001
jameslidster1: Egyptian Plover Gambia J Lidster_20080205_003
jameslidster1: Egyptian Plover Gambia J Lidster_20080205_005
jameslidster1: Egyptian Plover Gambia J Lidster_20080205_007
jameslidster1: Egyptian Plover Gambia J Lidster_20080205_008
jameslidster1: Egyptian Plover Gambia J Lidster_20080205_010