photomicro: froghopper, Cercopis vulnerata
photomicro: common green capsid, Lygocoris pabulinus
photomicro: P6160008.jpg
photomicro: Leafhopper Evacanthus interruptus
photomicro: Endomychus coccineus
photomicro: leafhopper bug
photomicro: P8010073.jpg
photomicro: tortoise beetle larva
photomicro: backswimmer, Notonecta sp
photomicro: pied shield bug
photomicro: pied shield bug
photomicro: froghopper
photomicro: family of aphids
photomicro: I think these are Leptopterna dolobrata.
photomicro: mating pair of Mirid bugs
photomicro: mating pair of Mirid bugs
photomicro: mating pair of Mirid bugs