poppy2323: just one more sip!
poppy2323: Monarch wing detail
poppy2323: Double purple Datura
poppy2323: Pad Thai to go
poppy2323: Stay
poppy2323: heavenly
poppy2323: introducing Cricket
poppy2323: after my own heart
poppy2323: HBW!
poppy2323: i'm eating chocolate
poppy2323: lying in wait
poppy2323: pretty lair
poppy2323: Gulf fritillary portrait
poppy2323: You may admire me... for a moment
poppy2323: free at last
poppy2323: Wide-eyed & New
poppy2323: fresh shiny new spicebush swallowtail!
poppy2323: HFDF!
poppy2323: the baby is back!
poppy2323: can you find me?
poppy2323: better than tv
poppy2323: gettin' there...
poppy2323: wiggle wiggle
poppy2323: and now for something completely different...
poppy2323: I am fierce!!! don't eat me!!!
poppy2323: yella fella
poppy2323: how do you like me in yellow?
poppy2323: cats & dog
poppy2323: Treehopper, Entylia
poppy2323: Caterpillar condo #2