poppy2323: just one more sip!
poppy2323: Monarch wing detail
poppy2323: Butterfly mosaic
poppy2323: Stay
poppy2323: snowberry clearwing moth, Hemaris diffinis
poppy2323: silly monster face
poppy2323: The Distraction
poppy2323: i'm eating chocolate
poppy2323: Gulf fritillary portrait
poppy2323: You may admire me... for a moment
poppy2323: free at last
poppy2323: Wide-eyed & New
poppy2323: fresh shiny new spicebush swallowtail!
poppy2323: Question Mark butterfly eggs
poppy2323: Orange on Orange
poppy2323: better than tv
poppy2323: concrete can be pretty
poppy2323: Zebra Swallowtail (Eurytides marcellus)
poppy2323: the ever challenging zebra swallowtail
poppy2323: butt butt...
poppy2323: i know there's nectar in here somewhere...
poppy2323: Spicebush Swallowtails Puddling
poppy2323: Spicebush Swallowtails Puddling
poppy2323: Spicebush Swallowtail female (Papilio troilus)
poppy2323: Spicebush Swallowtail female laying eggs (Papilio troilus)
poppy2323: fuzzy
poppy2323: shoulder buddy
poppy2323: Question Mark butterfly laying eggs on elm leaf
poppy2323: The Hunt
poppy2323: Viceroy (Limenitis archippus)