poppy2323: oodles of milkweed bugs
poppy2323: lying in wait
poppy2323: pretty lair
poppy2323: Nature's balance
poppy2323: the baby is back!
poppy2323: Leaf-footed bug nymph
poppy2323: wildflower assassination plot
poppy2323: did i scare him?
poppy2323: Pretty In Pink Assassin Bug (Zelus luridus)
poppy2323: backyard 2008-08 - 0868
poppy2323: (Deadly) Pink Lady
poppy2323: Leaf-footed bug, Leptoglossus phyllopus
poppy2323: backyard 2008-08 - 627
poppy2323: "the climber"
poppy2323: Primping
poppy2323: Leaf-footed Bug (aka "Tomato Eater")... and prey
poppy2323: one is the loneliest number
poppy2323: Please avert your eyes...
poppy2323: lost in the sparkly lights
poppy2323: Meet Stinky
poppy2323: All Knees and Elbows
poppy2323: more ambush bug
poppy2323: ambush bug bokeh
poppy2323: I'm just a flower. Really.
poppy2323: ambush bug, Phymata species
poppy2323: ambush bug, Phymata species
poppy2323: ever more milkweed bugs
poppy2323: Milkweed bugs
poppy2323: Hector is headed for the top.
poppy2323: a leaf-footed valentine