thejaskr: letz dive
thejaskr: Magnificent spidey
thejaskr: Crawling towards you...
thejaskr: The princezz and its mates
thejaskr: beauty at the top
thejaskr: Monitor Lizard
thejaskr: smooth downhill
thejaskr: Vibrant spider
thejaskr: crawling and coloured
thejaskr: lil purppel phlower
thejaskr: anybody home??
thejaskr: Spidey of the space age??? ;-)
thejaskr: a curious Barking Deer
thejaskr: Casanova
thejaskr: a bud
thejaskr: A trek in the reserve
thejaskr: victims of tiger attack
thejaskr: of what remains...
thejaskr: fresh pugmarks of a tiger
thejaskr: a gaur had been here...
thejaskr: a walk in the jungle
thejaskr: Blue mountain
thejaskr: Stillness at the Parambikulam dam
thejaskr: Parambikulam Dam
thejaskr: Thunakadavu Dam
thejaskr: The green reflects out of the still waters of Parambikulam dam
thejaskr: hills at different layers
thejaskr: birdview of the Parambikulam dam
thejaskr: wild boars in a romantic mood
thejaskr: the drive to Kannimara Teak