Roger314: Towson Town Center - Shopping Mall
Roger314: Princeton Pi & Yogurt Cafe
Roger314: Ocean Grove - View from the Majestic Hotel
Roger314: Ocean Grove - Majestic Hotel, Harp and Mural
Roger314: Ocean Grove - Beach looking west toward the city
Roger314: Ocean Grove - Beach looking south
Roger314: Ocean Grove - Beach looking north toward Asbury Park
Roger314: Grover's Mill - Van Nest Park sign
Roger314: Grover's Mill - Van Nest Park - War of the Worlds sign
Roger314: Grover's Mill - Van Nest Park - War of the Worlds plaque from a distance
Roger314: Grover's Mill - Van Nest Park - War of the Worlds plaque closeup
Roger314: Grover's Mill - Van Nest Park - Sign for Aquatic Habitat Restoration
Roger314: Grover's Mill - Van Nest Park - Quotes from the Broadcast sign
Roger314: Grover's Mill - Van Nest Park - International Reaction sign
Roger314: Grover's Mill - Van Nest Park - Grover's Mill Pond
Roger314: Chesapeake Bay - Hotel just east of Kent Island
Roger314: Chesapeake Bay - Bay Bridge from Kent Island
Roger314: Camden Yards - View of outfield screens
Roger314: Camden Yards - Sculpture garden of famous Oriole players
Roger314: Camden Yards - Looking toward homeplate from outfield seats
Roger314: Camden Yards - Looking down first base line
Roger314: Asbury Park - Crepeshop
Roger314: Asbury Park - Convention Center