Roger314: Norman Rockwell - Willie Gillis in Convoy - 1941 LABEL
Roger314: Norman Rockwell - Willie Gillis in Convoy - 1941 FRAMED
Roger314: Norman Rockwell - The Saturday Evening Post LABEL
Roger314: Norman Rockwell - The Runaway - 1958 LABEL
Roger314: Norman Rockwell - The Runaway - 1958 FRAMED
Roger314: Norman Rockwell - The Mermaid - 1955 FRAMED
Roger314: Norman Rockwell - The Lineman - 1948 LABEL
Roger314: Norman Rockwell - The Lineman - 1948 FRAMED
Roger314: Norman Rockwell - The Law Student - 1927 LABEL
Roger314: Norman Rockwell - The Law Student - 1927 FRAMED
Roger314: Norman Rockwell - Thanksgiving, Mother and Son Peeling Potatoes - 1945 LABEL
Roger314: Norman Rockwell - Thanksgiving, Mother and Son Peeling Potatoes - 1945 FRAMED
Roger314: Norman Rockwell - Studio, view out of the window
Roger314: Norman Rockwell - Studio interior
Roger314: Norman Rockwell - Studio in a landscape
Roger314: Norman Rockwell - Studio from the side
Roger314: Norman Rockwell - Studio from the path
Roger314: Norman Rockwell - Studio from a distance
Roger314: Norman Rockwell - Stained Glass Window - 1960 LABEL
Roger314: Norman Rockwell - Stained Glass Window - 1960 FRAMED
Roger314: Norman Rockwell - Saturday Evening Post covers in the basement
Roger314: Norman Rockwell - Rockwell's Stockbridge Studio LABEL
Roger314: Norman Rockwell - River by the museum
Roger314: Norman Rockwell - Outdoor sculpture
Roger314: Norman Rockwell - Norman Rockwell's Four Freedoms LABEL
Roger314: Norman Rockwell - No Swimming - 1929 LABEL
Roger314: Norman Rockwell - No Swimming - 1929 FRAMED
Roger314: Norman Rockwell - New Tavern Signs, George III, Colonial Sign Painter, and George Washington - 1936 WALL
Roger314: Norman Rockwell - New Tavern Sign, Colonial Sign Painter - 1936 LABEL
Roger314: Norman Rockwell - Negro in the Suburbs - 1967 LABEL