boydharris: The Bus from Besi Sahar
boydharris: A family outing on the motorbike - Besi Sahar
boydharris: The local bus crosses a ford
boydharris: Home Brew! distilling Rakshi
boydharris: Old man by Hotel Lotus Syange
boydharris: In a hotel Kitchen
boydharris: Checking the hi-tech equipment. Kalden and Sean make last minute adjustments
boydharris: George and Kalden approaching a wet patch
boydharris: Permit details are copied at every check post
boydharris: Heading up the narrow Marsyangdi Gorge
boydharris: Village shop and proprietor
boydharris: Nar village and Chorten
boydharris: Chortens looking east from Nar
boydharris: Chorten on the approach to Nar
boydharris: The path up to Nar
boydharris: New Gompa decorations
boydharris: Young boy near Nar Phedi
boydharris: New Gompa at Nar Phedi
boydharris: Under the waterfall near Dharmasala
boydharris: Night view of our camp at Koto
boydharris: Sunrise on the Annapurnas from Koto
boydharris: Wide view of Pisang Peak from Nar
boydharris: Lady in Nar village digging potatoes
boydharris: Nar village and prayer flags
boydharris: Looking down on Nar from mountain Prayer Flags
boydharris: Rooftops and flags in Nar
boydharris: Exterior view of one of Nar Gompas
boydharris: Interior view in one of Nar Gompas
boydharris: Farmer in Nar village
boydharris: Child in Nar village