mahler711: Cocker Spaniel - ? (or retag if this isn't??)
Photo Gal 2009: Bazzy Boy
loislelii: Catch of the Day
libJackJL: 2005_0910_155645AA
Zico UK: Cocker Spaniel puppies eating lunch
Pet Pictures: Cocker Spaniel
jopetportraits: Darcy - American Cocker Spaniel
LostMyHeadache: Absolutely Free *: Our cocker spaniel Beefheart
Sharleen Chao: Running like a Rabbit
Sharleen Chao: Big Smile
ZekaG: Cocker Spaniel Puppy
ZekaG: Cocker Spaniel Puppy
PhotoXL: cocker spaniel
ZekaG: Cocker Spaniel Puppy
Zico UK: Cocker Spaniel puppies
ZekaG: Cocker Spaniel Puppy
Zico UK: Cocker Spaniel puppies
Tracy Nanthavongsa: Giovanni the American Cocker Spaniel
Tracy Nanthavongsa: Giovanni the American Cocker Spaniel
gezzajax: Cocker Spaniel
wholestonestudios: "Dusty Bear" English Cocker Spaniel Puppy
Found Animals: Valentine's Day Cocker Spaniel
Bubbles and Biscuits: cocker spaniel
thejeffreywscott: Pedigreed Golden Cocker Spaniel
snow41: Merry-My Friend's Cocker Spaniel.
Wohill: The American Cocker Spaniel Max
Olathe Animal Hospital in Olathe, KS: Cocker spaniel puppies
JuliusPiv: American cocker spaniel coco chanel
sapru: Cocker Spaniel Pup