Adfoto: sunset at sea
Adfoto: Muslim pattern
Adfoto: Turner-clouds
Adfoto: double red
Adfoto: Amsterdam Tuchthuispoort
Adfoto: Gemeentemuseum Den Haag
Adfoto: Vienna: station for subway
Adfoto: Vienna: detail
Adfoto: Lehmbruckmuseum Duisburg
Adfoto: Duisburg, Lehmbruckmuseum
Adfoto: Vienna in the rain
Adfoto: Vienna in the rain
Adfoto: black beach in Brasil: Porto de Galinhas
Adfoto: Firenze, duomo
Adfoto: ruin in Diest
Adfoto: threatening weather is photographers weather
Adfoto: Brasilian modernism has curves: Sao Paulo
Adfoto: perfect conceptual symmetry 2 (+ 1)
Adfoto: graphic design ?
Adfoto: London is rising
Adfoto: water-lily
Adfoto: Amsterdam, De Burcht
Adfoto: isn't she lovely?
Adfoto: pastel Cuba
Adfoto: tomorrow is another day
Adfoto: classical Cuba
Adfoto: daily Cuba
Adfoto: Moorish Cuba
Adfoto: not posing for me either
Adfoto: not posing for me