Adfoto: Burgos: San Pablo-bridge on Rio Arlanzón and towers of cathedral
Adfoto: Burgos: cathedral from Mirador
Adfoto: kings of Spain (Burgos cathedral)
Adfoto: still far to Santiago
Adfoto: aisle in cathedral of Burgos
Adfoto: octogone on the transept in cathedral of Burgos
Adfoto: octogone from Capilla del Condestable in cathedral of Burgos
Adfoto: Capilla del Condestable in cathedral of Burgos
Adfoto: Capilla del Condestable in cathedral of Burgos
Adfoto: Capilla del Condestable in cathedral of Burgos
Adfoto: cathedral at night during la nocha blanca in Burgos
Adfoto: here goes Dracula to church
Adfoto: Francisco Javier Parcerisa, cathedral Burgos, 1859, Prado Madrid