Hermon Atkins MacNeil (1866-1947) - The Moqui Prayer for Rain (1895-7), head and shoulders, right - Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, Sep 2012
Hermon Atkins MacNeil (1866-1947) - The Moqui Prayer for Rain (1895-7), left - Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, Sep 2012
Hermon Atkins MacNeil (1866-1947) - The Moqui Prayer for Rain (1895-7), left 2 - Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, Sep 2012
Hermon Atkins MacNeil (1866-1947) - The Moqui Prayer for Rain (1895-7), head and shoulders, front right - Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, Sep 2012
Hermon Atkins MacNeil (1866-1947) - The Moqui Prayer for Rain (1895-7), front right - Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, Sep 2012
Hermon Atkins MacNeil (1866-1947) - The Moqui Prayer for Rain (1895-7), front - Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, Sep 2012
Hermon Atkins MacNeil (1866-1947) - The Moqui Prayer for Rain (1895-7), buttocks, above back right - Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, Sep 2012
Hermon Atkins MacNeil (1866-1947) - The Moqui Prayer for Rain (1895-7), back right - Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, Sep 2012
Hermon Atkins MacNeil (1866-1947) - The Moqui Prayer for Rain (1895-7), back left closeup - Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, Sep 2012
Hermon Atkins MacNeil (1866-1947) - The Moqui Prayer for Rain (1895-7), above left - Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, Sep 2012
Hermon Atkins MacNeil (1866-1947) - The Moqui Prayer for Rain (1895-7), above back - Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, Sep 2012
Hermon Atkins MacNeil (1866-1947) - The Moqui Prayer for Rain (1895-7), right - Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, Sep 2012
Henry Kirke Brown (1814-1886) - Choosing of the Arrow (1849), front partly right, knees upward - Metropolitan Museum of Art New York, Sep 2012
Henry Kirke Brown (1814-1886) - Choosing of the Arrow (1849), back, ankles upward - Metropolitan Museum of Art New York, Sep 2012
Henry Kirke Brown (1814-1886) - Choosing of the Arrow (1849), left, knees upward - Metropolitan Museum of Art New York, Sep 2012
Henry Kirke Brown (1814-1886) - Choosing of the Arrow (1849), right, knees upward - Metropolitan Museum of Art New York, Sep 2012
Henry Kirke Brown (1814-1886) - Choosing of the Arrow (1849), front partly right - Metropolitan Museum of Art New York, Sep 2012
Henry Kirke Brown (1814-1886) - Choosing of the Arrow (1849), back left - Metropolitan Museum of Art New York, Sep 2012
Paul Manship (1885-1966) - front of cabinet, Indian Hunter and his Dog (1926) half-back right - rear of cabinet, Indian Hunter and Pronghorn Antelope (1917) right - Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, Sep 2012
Paul Manship (1885-1966) - Indian Hunter and his Dog (1926) detail of head and upper body, right - Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, Sep 2012
Paul Manship (1885-1966) - front of cabinet, Indian Hunter and his Dog (1926) right - rear of cabinet, Indian Hunter and Pronghorn Antelope (1917) right - Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, Sep 2012
Paul Manship (1885-1966) - front of cabinet, Indian Hunter and his Dog (1926) half-front right - rear of cabinet, Indian Hunter (mostly obscured) (1917) half-front right - Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, Sep 2012
Paul Manship (1885-1966) - front of cabinet, Indian Hunter and his Dog (1926) back right - rear of cabinet, Pronghorn Antelope (1917) back right - Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, Sep 2012
Paul Manship (1885-1966) - front of cabinet, Indian Hunter and his Dog (1926) above back right - rear of cabinet, Pronghorn Antelope (mostly obscured) (1917) above back right - Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, Sep 2012
Paul Manship (1885-1966) - front of cabinet, Indian Hunter and his Dog (1926) half-front right - rear of cabinet, Indian Hunter (mostly obscured) and Pronghorn Antelope (1917) right - Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, Sep 2012
Paul Manship (1885-1966) - front of cabinet, Indian Hunter and his Dog (1926) back half-right - rear of cabinet, Pronghorn Antelope (1917) back half-right - Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, Sep 2012
Gilbert Bayes (1872-1953) - Artemis (1911) right, detail of Artemis, Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool, May 2012
Gilbert Bayes (1872-1953) - Artemis (1911) left, semi-wide angle , Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool, May 2012
Gilbert Bayes (1872-1953) - Artemis (1911) left, detail of antlers and Artemis, Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool, May 2012
Gilbert Bayes (1872-1953) - Artemis (1911) left, detail mostly of Artemis, Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool, May 2012