nkimadams: Just an Old-Fashioned Girl
nkimadams: 100 Years
nkimadams: How the Woods Begin
nkimadams: A Light in the Forest
nkimadams: Light on the Table
nkimadams: Dacha with Single Mouse
nkimadams: My Apple Looks in the Window
nkimadams: Indomitable Swedes
nkimadams: Generations: Lars & Chris. 1970
nkimadams: Lars Anders Godin, Swedish Immigrant
nkimadams: Chris at Valhalla 1970
nkimadams: Near the Shore
nkimadams: Shoreline
nkimadams: Rocky Shoreline
nkimadams: Sunset on the Shore
nkimadams: Moonlight
nkimadams: Sea Chest
nkimadams: Abandoned Skiff
nkimadams: House in the Woods
nkimadams: Road in the Woods
nkimadams: Gulls are Around
nkimadams: And Each Morning
nkimadams: Painting in the Face of a Storm
nkimadams: Shadow Trees Watercolor
nkimadams: Glorious Sunset Over Superior
nkimadams: Tree Fallen Near the Shore
nkimadams: Deer Fence
nkimadams: Grandpa's Fish House (Ink Sketch)
nkimadams: Pencil of Fish House Doors
nkimadams: B. Potter View of Our House in the Woods