350South: Baja California route
350South: ... and so it begins!
350South: Our Lord greets us to Mexico, close to Puerto Neuvo!!
350South: Greeted into Casa de Ciclista, Ensenada
350South: Casa de Ciclista, Ensenada
350South: Rough road just outside Ensenada
350South: Shadow Play
350South: Rocks in the distance near Catavina
350South: Quiet roads in Baja
350South: Evening dinner
350South: About to camp 10 miles south of El Rosario
350South: We slept with the cows near Guayaquil but they're not morning people
350South: The beginning of Cacti after El Rosario, Baja
350South: Lee and Ian
350South: Giant Cactus in Baja
350South: Desert near Chapala, BCS
350South: The first Baja moon
350South: Dry river bed camping near Chapala
350South: Jesus Orlando Ibarra, the Mexican truck driver who took Ian back to San Diego after hub failure
350South: Frank Cassidy from San Diego and his lil' beauty
350South: Bubbles in Balboa Park
350South: Mesmorising bubble blower in Balboa Park, San Diego
350South: Bubbles
350South: Irish Network San Diego Christmas Party - last standing!
350South: Givin' it some Nancy Spain at Irish Network San Diego
350South: Planning for Baja (again!)
350South: Being hardcore on my Surly amongst the biker crowd in Tijuana
350South: A distinctly Mexican looking cloud
350South: Vicky and Neil (Neil being the first Irish tourer we came across), outside Rosalia