Rat Dragon: The Beast's Castle (from Disney's Animated Film Beauty and the Beast)
Rat Dragon: The Castle of the Merry Ghost (by Gary Kinsella, Windstone Editions)
Rat Dragon: Antique European Castle Postcard Dated June 29, 1906
Rat Dragon: Vintage Karlstejn Castle Postcard
Rat Dragon: Disney Castle (Made in Italy) - Purchased within the Disney World castle in Florida
Rat Dragon: Miniature Pewter Disney Castle
Rat Dragon: Lichtenstein Castle Antique Postcard, dated 1904
Rat Dragon: Lenox Neuschwanstein Castle
Rat Dragon: Vintage Walt Disney World Pewter Thimble with Castle
Rat Dragon: Hogwarts Castle (Noble Collection)
Rat Dragon: Small Antique Castle Buttons
Rat Dragon: Vintage Castle Button
Rat Dragon: Antique Castle Picture Button
Rat Dragon: Antique Castle from Window Picture Button