farolsfotos: Water spider with tiny bug
farolsfotos: Water spider
farolsfotos: Rebel Horses
farolsfotos: In the Shade
farolsfotos: Soft Butterfly in the Rainforest
farolsfotos: Grasshopper
farolsfotos: Sandhill Cranes in the Fog
farolsfotos: Some Big Ones
farolsfotos: Sand Hill Cranes
farolsfotos: Sandhill Cranes in the Fog
farolsfotos: Newnans Lake Great Blue Heron
farolsfotos: Tussock Moth Caterpillar
farolsfotos: Tussock Moth Caterpillar
farolsfotos: Red-shouldered Hawk
farolsfotos: Red-shouldered Hawk
farolsfotos: Red-shouldered Hawk
farolsfotos: Garfish
farolsfotos: Black-bellied Whistling Ducks
farolsfotos: Wild Turkey
farolsfotos: Gecko Dew
farolsfotos: For All Species
farolsfotos: Crowded Landing. Sandhill Cranes
farolsfotos: Taking Flight. Sandhill Cranes
farolsfotos: Taking Off! Sandhill Cranes
farolsfotos: Paynes Prairie Roosting. Sandhill Cranes
farolsfotos: Pair. Sandhill Cranes
farolsfotos: Incoming! Sandhill Cranes