Chase The Wind Photography: Greenhouse #17. I'm really liking this super expired (exp. 2004) #kodak #e100vs that someone gave to me. They clearly knew what they were doing since it had been frozen. Processed by #Dwayne's. #kodakalaris #e6 #film #upstate #NewYork #filmisotdead #fil
Chase The Wind Photography: Passing conversation. Taken on my trip to India last year, the auto rickshaw drivers were fascinating spectacles to me. #Holgamods #holga #kodak #kodakfilm #kodakalaris #trix
Chase The Wind Photography: Stick 'em up. #kodak #kodakalaris #kodakfilm #trix #320txp #220 #bw #film #filmisotdead #filmshooters #filmphotographyproject #fpp #mediumformat #mamiya #c330 #monochrome #believeinfilm #ishootfilm #35to220 #beforepixel @kodakcb @kodakmoments_uk @tkryug
Chase The Wind Photography: Washington County Fair fun. #upstate #NewYork #rural #fair #livestock #vsco #TractorPulls
Chase The Wind Photography: I love my #family! #familytime #snapitseeit #polaroid #600SE #scrapbook #fujifilm #fp100c
Chase The Wind Photography: Penetrating eyes. #Chennai, #India. #holgamods #holga @holgamod #kodak #kodakfilm #kodakalaris #trix
Chase The Wind Photography: Driving in black and white. I just liked the lines of this perspective from the auto #rickshaw. Quickly shot with my #holgamods #modified #holga. #Chennai, #India. #kodak #kodakfilm #kodakalaris #trix @kodakcb @tkryugo @holgamod @indiefilmlab
Chase The Wind Photography: Looking forward to trying this combination. #kodak #portra #voigtlander #BessaT #Bessa Now I just need to find a m39 or m-mount lens that I can afford. #leica
Chase The Wind Photography: Ants Marching. I love watching people at work at airports. They are like ants marching, hard at work. #kodak #kodakalaris #kodakfilm #trix #mamiya #mamiya6 #latergram
Chase The Wind Photography: Wetland #2. #upstate #newyork #wetland on #expired #kodak #e100vs shot with my #nikon #fm2n.
Chase The Wind Photography: Wild man. This is an old shot of a coworker before he started to cut his hair short. #film #filmshooters #fujifilm #fuji #mamiya #c22 #acros #filmisnotdead
Chase The Wind Photography: Smile of many years. I love these two. They have a quiet love and respect that only years of work and humility can bring. Put yourself first in your marriage and you shall lose it.
Chase The Wind Photography: This reminds me of the #RRW4L event coming up, benefitting #Love146. #StopSexTrafficking #Repost from @brittniwillie with @repostapp I'm already feeling my stress level increase being here, but this wall art I just spotted is beautiful and is definitely
Chase The Wind Photography: Wetlands #1. @kodakcb @tkryugo #kodakalaris #E100VS #Nikon #FM2N
Chase The Wind Photography: Another successful @kickstarter campaign #analogbook! #vsco #vscocam #analog #35mm #mediumformat #organization #filmisnotdead #film
Chase The Wind Photography: Albany: Exposed (long). Here's a preemptive #tbt shot. An old slide shot of the #Albany, #NY #skyline from Rensselaer. #fuji #64T shot on a #Fed #5B, multiple minute exposure.
Chase The Wind Photography: my Great Uncle Sam. Even though I've only met him 10-20 times, I am always drawn to his charismatic personality. #Kodak # 320txp #bw #Amherst #County #Virginia #family #familytime
Chase The Wind Photography: The Very Rare Selfie. I am not a fan of selfies, but occasionally it's nice to have someone take your photo. #kodak #e100VS #Nikon #fm2n
Chase The Wind Photography: Spencer. Leafing through old negatives, I saw this one of Spencer from my grandmothers' funeral. Seeing how young my nephew looks, remembering my grandmother and remembering the recent loss of my aunt's mother reminds me how fleeting life is. Don't let
Chase The Wind Photography: Glenn. As September approaches, I going to start posting photos related to #Love146, an organization working to end the industry of child exploitation. This photo is of one if their directors when he came to the Run, Ride, Walk for Love event a couple
Chase The Wind Photography: Technology talks. Here's a little post #tbt throwback photo. This from October 2010 , I believe. My daughter with my mom.
Chase The Wind Photography: Construction 3. Another one of the many buildings under construction in #Chennai, #India. It was quite a bustling place when I was there. #kodak #ektar #holgamods
Chase The Wind Photography: Flower festivities. This from a roll of #crossprocessed #kodak #e200 from the #Albany #Tulip #Festival. I would guess this is circa 2010. #tbt
Chase The Wind Photography: Picnic smiles. Another shot from my roll of #kodak #trix that I #selfdeveloped @ #6400.
Chase The Wind Photography: Fire in the sky. Here's one of my shots from my roll of #Kodak #Trix rated @ #6400. #Scotia, #NewYork. #JumpingJacks.
Chase The Wind Photography: We have images! #kodak #Trix @ #6400! Thanks to #MassiveDevelopmentChart by the folks at #digitaltruth! I even got good tones! I'll post ASAP.
Chase The Wind Photography: Construction #2. These scaffolds are terrifying. #Chennai, #India.
Chase The Wind Photography: Ghandi. Walk the line .
Chase The Wind Photography: The beauty of diversity. NYC certainly has its characters.