Vince_Adam Photography: IMG_6038-1(W) Red-wattled lapwing-Vanellus indicus lankae (Koelz, 1939)
Vince_Adam Photography: IMG_6449-1(W) Sri Lanka Dull Blue Flycatcher (Eumyias sordidus)
Vince_Adam Photography: IMG_6656-1(W) The iconic Indian Star Tortoise (Geochelone elegans).
Vince_Adam Photography: IMG_6685-1(W) Oriental Fence Lizard (Calotes versicolor)
Vince_Adam Photography: IMG_6806-1(W) Malabar pied hornbill (Anthracoceros coronatus)
Vince_Adam Photography: IMG_6876-1(W)CC Juvenile Layard's Parakeet (Psittacula calthrapae)
Vince_Adam Photography: IMG_6879-1(W)cc Layard's Parakeet
Vince_Adam Photography: IMG_6803-1(W) Sri Lanka Soft-Shell Turtle (Lissemys ceylonesnsis) digging a hole to deposit eggs
Vince_Adam Photography: IMG_6789-1(W) Sri Lanka Black Terrapin (Melanochelys trijuga)
Vince_Adam Photography: IMG_6888-1(W) Calotes calotes in my friend's garden
Vince_Adam Photography: IMG_6956-1 (W) The brown-headed barbet or large green barbet (Psilopogon zeylanicus) feeding its chick I think
Vince_Adam Photography: IMG_6691-1(W) Tufted Gray Langurs
Vince_Adam Photography: IMG_6911-1CC (W) A male Calotes calotes in breeding colors
Vince_Adam Photography: IMG_6187-1(W) Indian Cobra (Naja naja)
Vince_Adam Photography: SL-Indian Cobra (Naja naja)
Vince_Adam Photography: IMG_6148-1(W) Juvenile Pethiyagoda's Crestless Lizard (Calotes pethiyagodai)
Vince_Adam Photography: 1120190213_110835-(W) Kirtisinghe's rock frog or marbled streamlined frog (Nannophrys marmorata)
Vince_Adam Photography: IMG_6443-1(W) Yellow-eared Bulbul (Pycnonotus penicillatus)
Vince_Adam Photography: IMG_6214-1CC(W) Close-up shot of Merrem's Hump-Nosed Viper (Hypnale hypnale)
Vince_Adam Photography: IMG_6218-1(W) Merrem's Hump-Nosed Viper (Hypnale hypnale)
Vince_Adam Photography: IMG_6204-1(W) Saw-Scaled Viper (Echis carinatus), small but highly dangerous
Vince_Adam Photography: IMG_6269-1(W) Rhinophis homolepis (HEMPRICH, 1820)
Vince_Adam Photography: IMG_6566-1(W) Pygmy Lizard (Cophotis ceylonica)
Vince_Adam Photography: IMG_6528-1(W) Close-up of a female Pygmy Lizard (Cophotis ceylonica)
Vince_Adam Photography: IMG_6364-1(W) Frog (Pseudophilautus alto)
Vince_Adam Photography: IMG_6647-1(W) Indian Star Tortoise (Geochelone elegans).
Vince_Adam Photography: Desktop26-Green Forest Lizard (Calotes calotes) performing a color changing feat under 5 minutes
Vince_Adam Photography: IMG_6756.-1 Toque Macaque (Macaca Sinica),
Vince_Adam Photography: IMG_6744-1 From the top of Sirigiya overlooking the lush green mountains of center region Sri Lanka