John Stein 2011: JS15200 INCO Copper Cliff Ontario canada
John Stein 2011: AP3226 Canada
John Stein 2011: Hershey 20802
John Stein 2011: RBW 687 Frechen
John Stein 2011: Hershey Railway, Cuba, General Electric 60 ton Steeplecab 20801, originally No.20, Build No. 7689 of 1920 at the Depot/Works at Central Camillo Cienfuegos at Hershey.The locomotives were rated at 820hp and six were delivered in 1920 with a further three
John Stein 2011: The first 3 phase electric locomotive
John Stein 2011: JS7284 Dresden
John Stein 2011: Back O'th'Bank Power Station Bolton
John Stein 2011: Spondon Power Station No.1
John Stein 2011: Spondon Power Station No.2 on 10/3/1978
John Stein 2011: Spondon Power Station No.1
John Stein 2011: Spondon Power Station No.2 at Foxfield
John Stein 2011: Blackpool Tramways steeplecab electric locomotive at Crich
John Stein 2011: EE/ Bg 1197 of 1941 in R. D. Geesons scrapyard at Ripley in Derbyshire.This loco was originally at Moredon Power Station near Swindon.
John Stein 2011: English Electric Stafford EE 788